Saturday, September 8, 2012


 Hello and welcome to my first published sims 3 legacy, The Melody Legacy!

I am following most of the legacy rules, but changing some for the purposes of the story.
~ My founder is starting out with minimal cash, but is living in a nice big house for a purpose that will be explained in the story.
~ I will Follow and alphabetical naming scheme. My founders name will start with A, he first child B, second child C, and so on through generations. It will go back to A after Z. Twins/ triplets will have the same letter.
~ Only females will be heirs to the legacy
~ I will not be scoring this legacy with points. I am just using it for a story.
Click here to go to the beginning, or select Generation 1 on the side bar!

Because I can only post 20 pages on here and I have used them all, I have to start a new blog. I will do this for each generation. I will post the links to the other blogs right here. (They look the same, just have different generations.) the link will take you to the first chapter in each blog.

Chapters 1.1-2.3
Chapters 2.4- Current